Still Unsure About Hitting The Gym During COVID?

What if You are Still Unsure About Hitting the Gym?

Let’s be honest:

It’s OK if you’re still unsure about the gym during the pandemic.

The gyms are starting to re-open following a total closure due to COVID-19 and, while eager gym-goers are once again working up a sweat in their home away from home, some of us still aren’t quite there yet.

Having been told of the dangers of coming into close proximity with others outside of our households and support bubbles, the idea of getting hot and sweaty in the gym isn’t exactly appealing to a good number of people.

If that is where you currently are, then that is perfectly fine. Just because the gyms are open doesn’t mean you have to start rushing back straight away, especially if you have found a home fitness regime that works for you. Even if you haven’t exactly been the king or queen of home workouts during lockdown, that is fine, because there is plenty that you can do to keep fit without stepping foot in a gym.

Don’t Feel Guilty

The first thing is to put aside any feelings of guilt that you might have about not keeping to a strict exercise regiment. This has been a crazy time for everyone and you can be forgiven for missing a workout here and there. Heck, you can forgive yourself if the closest you have come to a workout for the past few months is lounging around in your sweatpants. The pandemic has resulted in circumstances no one ever thought possible just a few months ago and, during this time, taking care of our mental health has been every bit as important – arguably more so – as our physical health.

Now that you have got the feeling of guilt out of the way, it’s time to set yourself a manageable goal. Hop on those scales, don’t feel bad about whatever number it lands on, and from here you can begin your step-by-step plan to fitness. Remember, weight is just one aspect of your fitness, so don’t be too alarmed – especially if you have traded in cardio for lifting weights as muscle is heavier than fat.

Related: How To Cope With Financial Stress And Anxiety During The Coronavirus Pandemic

Burning Fat at Home

You might be thinking that it is impossible to get a good cardio workout without access to the gym, but that is where you are wrong. In fact, there are plenty of exercises you can perform for easy cardio at home, with and without the need for equipment.

If equipment is out of the question either for space or budgeting reasons, then some of the exercises you should consider are:

  • Jumping jacks
  • HIIT workouts
  • Mountain climbers
  • Burpees
  • Shadowboxing
  • Squat jumps
  • Running/jogging

HIIT workouts, especially, are fantastic for burning fat because they can also help you to build muscle. Remember, though, as muscle weighs more than fat this may not necessarily result in weight-loss, but will certainly help to tone you up and burn away the calories. The more muscle you have, the more calories you burn even when resting.

Related to being unsure about the gym: 

When Should You Return to the Gym?

There is no right or wrong answer as it is completely dependent on you and how you feel. If you are eager to get back into your old routine of hitting the gym, but are still more than a little apprehensive, you certainly won’t be alone. It might be worth getting in contact with your gym to find out about the precautions they are taking during this time.

Additionally, it might also be useful for you to go into the gym and see how things are working for yourself. Even if you are not intending to workout, simply stepping foot back in the gym and seeing things first-hand could help make you feel more comfortable about going.

Conclusion: What To Do If You’re Unsure About The Gym

If you still aren’t comfortable, then no sweat, it will all come with time. Make sure that you are not paying for an expensive membership that you are not using, though, because this is a waste of money. Ask about freezing your membership to avoid paying expensive joining fees if and when you are ready to return.

Wherever you fit into this, remember not to feel guilty and to try and incorporate as much time as you can for exercise. Even without equipment, you can still get a good workout in.



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