Cavecrack CEO: Amplify Impact By Doing Less

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Today’s hustle culture drives an entrepreneurial urge to meticulously control professional growth.

However, studies suggest that common approaches may not be as effective as expected.

What it means to be productive

It is proven as a common misconception that professional productivity stems from packing your calendar. A Stanford study conducted for multitasking elucidates the detrimental effects on productivity and general cognitive function when individuals attempt to work on different tasks simultaneously. 

“To move forward, we have to understand and embrace the limits of our capacity as humans,” says George Protopapas, founder of AI productivity software company Cavecrack. “Human multitasking in this regard is a myth — we are only capable of switching between tasks, which, when done rapidly, might give the illusion of multitasking,” Protopapas said.

“Professional productivity is rooted in strategic task delegation, exercise, good food and sleep, eliminating distractions, and most importantly setting priorities and establishing a work routine” he added.

Using technology to enhance productivity

Delving into the prevalent notion of technology serving as a collaborative partner in boosting professional efficiency, one must take into account that the same applies to this— doing less. The transformative impact is going to be truly evident only when following a minimalistic approach.

Capabilities like process streamlining, task automation and digital industry toolsets are new disruptive products of a new era with new prerequisites. Though, it is apparent that juggling between a plethora of applications will only disorient and complicate it all further for leaders and their teams — strategic collaborators can only be so many.

A productive path forward

Acknowledging the findings of recent academic research, bright leaders have deep comprehension of the importance of strategically setting priorities for themselves and their team. The ripple effect of their actions reflects the potent effect of their own professional effectiveness but also the dynamic organizational culture they shape around them.

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