Category: Financial Awareness
7 Actions to Take Before You Even Think About Launching a Business
As eager as you might be to get started with your innovative business plan, you need to press pause just for a moment. Launching a business is a huge commitment that you need to be fully invested in right from the very beginning. So before you find the perfect web designer or put an advert…
How To Get A Little More Money Savvy Around The Home
It’s safe to say that running a home costs a lot of money. Even when you’re financially savvy and you know that you want to try and keep your family costs to a minimum, it can be difficult. There will always be things that you need, bills that you have to pay, and cost that…
Tips for Tackling Your First Big DIY Job
As we grow up, buy houses, have kids and families and generally go about living an adult life, we might start to tackle the odd DIY project. At some point in life, you have to stop phoning your dad to come around and change lightbulbs, and you just have to have a go for yourself.…
These Jobs Will Give You Money AND Freedom
We all know the deal: you go to work, “do your time” and then get the rewards, maybe when you’re fifty or sixty years old. For most of your life, you’re chained to the desk, working for the man, forty or fifty hours a week. Only once you’ve suffered can you get the things that…
5 Unconventional Ways To Make Some Extra Money
Some people simply don’t do well in a traditional 9 to 5 office job, and some just want to find new ways to draw in more money each month. Whatever your intention, there are plenty of unconventional ways to make an extra buck. If your mind is granting you little to no imagination at this…
4 Tips For Working Towards Financial Freedom
It would be nice to say that you had complete financial freedom. Many of us work our whole lives to get to a stage where we can be financially free, but it is possible to achieve financial freedom even earlier than that if you have enough will-power and know a few good tricks that will…
3 Of The Best Summer Jobs For Your Teen To Learn Responsibility And Earn Money
When your kids are young, you’re generally completely responsible for taking care of them physically, emotionally, and financially. But as your kids grow into teenagers, it can be very beneficial for them to learn how to earn their own money and begin to develop both financial and personality responsibility through having a job. During the…
3 Tips To Help You Save Money On Auto Insurance
For most people, the overall costs of having their own vehicle to drive will depend on a variety of factors. From the actual car you’re buying or leasing to the amount of wear and tear you’re putting on your car and how much gas you’re needing to purchase, having a car can either be very…
7 Money Management Tips for Single-Income Families
Families with a single income have a hard time coping with ever-rising living costs. While some families deliberately choose the one-income setup, others are faced with situations such as job loss or prolonged illness that causes them to rely on a single person’s earnings. Whatever the reason, one-income families can have it hard, particularly when…
5 Quick Ways To Make Some Extra Money
The influx of technology into our everyday lives have given way to new and exciting ways to make a quick buck. If you have access to the internet, then you have access to a multitude of money-making possibilities. There’s always something going on in your life that could use a little extra money thrown at…