Hosting a rental property showing can be nerve-racking, regardless of how many people attend. It can make or break your chances of filling a unit, and with money on the line, you want to host the best showing possible. To help you increase your chances of receiving tenant applications and subsequently making the most money, here are a few tips on how to host a successful rental property showing.
Ensure the Property Is Clean and Neutral
You want to stage your rental property in a way that appeals to a wide array of renters. Any art or furniture shouldn’t be too shocking; ideally, it will look move-in ready. Additionally, you want the property to be clean, neat, and organized, and ensure that there are no foul smells. Staging a rental property shows prospective tenants that you’re professional and care about the property, which is one of the top qualities tenants look for in a landlord.
Have Property Information and Applications Ready
Overall, you want to make your property’s information as easily accessible as possible. The easier the application is to obtain, the more likely a tenant will apply. Additionally, when you make your tenant expectations clear on day one, you and prospective tenants can gauge whether you and your property are the right fit. Not only will this help you fill your vacancy faster, but you’re also more likely to get a tenant you get along with who will meet your standard. After all, an irresponsible tenant is much less likely to pay you.
Put Your Best Foot Forward
Whether you’re hosting an open house or private showing, you should look as clean and professional as your property. That means wearing business or business casual clothing, taking care of personal hygiene, smiling, and introducing yourself to guests. While you don’t have to keep up a façade for the entirety of a tenant’s stay, first impressions say a lot about a person. If you appear unprofessional, a tenant may consider you lackadaisical or irresponsible, even if that’s not necessarily true.
Be Ready to Answer Questions About the Area
To appear professional and knowledgeable, you want to be able to answer as many questions as possible. That means knowing the ins and outs of your property and the surrounding area. Tenants will want to know about the neighborhood, the location of hospitals, schools, grocery stores, and activities in the area. Depending on the family dynamics of the tenant, they may need a more family-friendly neighborhood.
Knowing how to host a successful rental property showing will help you further your business as a landlord and make more money.