Have you ever considered the true cost of owning a house? I will be honest. When my wife and I bought our first house, we didn’t know. We had no idea. Sure, we knew all about taxes, mortgage, and insurance. And we heard about emergency funds and having a little extra set aside each month. But,… Continue reading
You may recall that my wife became a stay-at-home for our son in 2016. We were both on board with the idea, but it meant going down to one income. She was a top real estate agent in our area at the time, so it was real shock to the budget. It was one of… Continue reading
Have you ever had the desire to prove something? Maybe it was to yourself. Maybe it was to your friends or family. Maybe it was to that coach or teacher who made you doubt your own abilities. Whoever made you (or makes you) feel that way, their words stick with you. They creep in at… Continue reading
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit