Category: Start A Business

  • Moving Forward After A Life-Changing Accident

    We have an important contributed post today on moving forward after a life-changing accident. Nobody ever wants to think about this kind of stuff, but it’s important for yourself, your family, and your finances. Consider what we have below and let us know your thoughts in the comments. Thanks! No one ever imagines that they… Continue reading

  • What To Do Should You Be Charged With A Crime

    We have a thought-provoking contributed post on what you need to know should you ever be charged with a crime. Crazy scenario for sure. But always good to know. Let us know your thoughts in the comments. The concept that you would ever be charged with a crime may seem like a ludicrous one, after all,… Continue reading

  • These Basement Remodels Will Make You Want To Start Yours Now

    Are you ready to tackle a basement remodel? As I write this, we are currently redoing our basement.  It’s sure been a process.  It started as a project strictly for my father-in-law and me.  But, as we soon realized how big it truly would be, we hired some contractors to help us do larger parts… Continue reading