Category: NFT

  • Have a Frugal Easter Holiday

    With Easter right around the corner, do you find yourself waiting for just ONE MONTH without a holiday? Just one month so you can play catch up and ACTUALLY SAVE your goal savings amount. I understand you and a lot of other people out there are with you. As parents, we are constantly pulled in… Continue reading

  • Cultivating Discipline in All Areas of Your Life

    I want to discuss a topic that may make you cringe.  Cultivating discipline. Now, I know the word discipline itself has a bad connotation.  You hate hearing it. It harkens back to days where you were told to sit up straight in school or you would go to the principal’s (disciplinarian’s) office (at least in Catholic… Continue reading

  • Become Financially Independent in Your 30s

    I have always wanted to become financially independent in my 30s.  It has always been a goal of mine.  It all started for me around 2007 and it coincided with meeting my wife in 2006.  She introduced me to Rich Dad, Poor Dad by Robert Kiyosaki.  Kiyosaki talked about his Rich Dad, who understood how… Continue reading