Category: Living Healthy

  • 5 Healthy Things That Aren’t Actually That Healthy

    Knowing how to live a healthy lifestyle is tough because it seems like the rules are always changing. One minute, we’re told that butter is bad for you and now researchers are saying that some butter is actually better for you than vegetable oils because it has healthier fats in it. Research is always changing… Continue reading

  • Saving Money on a Tight Budget

    The start of a new year is always tough when it comes to money. Most of us have spent more than we can really afford on Christmas presents, food and other festive delights, and January is hard work. The good news is, you’ve nearly made it. You’ve survived January. Whether for you that meant a… Continue reading

  • Lifestyle Changes That Will Save You Money

    If the time has come for you to make some lifestyle changes, you may be wondering where to start and how you can save some money in the process. Some habits are very costly, and making a change to get rid of them can save you a fortune as well as make you healthier. Continue reading