Want to learn more about the relationship between cryptocurrency and conventional money? When Bitcoin whitepaper was published in 2009, the thought was clear – there was a requirement to make a decentralized currency framework that could provide freedom to a large number of people from the stranglehold of national banks and other monetary institutions. Thus,… Continue reading
Trying to figure out why miners and blocks are significant in Bitcoin? Miners and blocks are very important to the Bitcoin ecosystem as the former assists in discovering new Bitcoin after putting in their best efforts while the latter manages to keep track of all transactions within the system. Anyone who wants to join bitcoin… Continue reading
Why do you know about cryptocurrency, the ledger and blockchain technology? In the fallout of the 2008 financial disaster, two learning came out very clearly. (i) Spending more than one owes entails a shift from capitalism. It introduces a type of slavery into a system that ought to be focused on the correspondence of communicating… Continue reading
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit