Category: Coronavirus

  • Paying Off The Pandemic Debt

    After almost two years of pandemic, Americans have added a whopping $660 billion in debt as they struggle to cope with the COVID-19 hardships. According to a recent analysis, the average American now has almost $54,000 of debt. Households have accumulated over $155,000 in consumer debt on average. 

  • 5 Tips for Applying for PPP Loans

    The Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) is an endeavor by the Small Business Association (SBA) to assist small businesses with funding. Here are five tips for applying for PPP loans. 1. Include All Necessary Documentation Like any application, a PPP loan application requires quite a lot of documentation and information before it can be processed and approved. The…

  • How COVID-19 Tests Help To Track The Disease

    The COVID-19 tests allow governments and health professionals to have a real scope of the spread of the virus in society, monitor the transmission chains of the disease, detect asymptomatic patients or those who at some point had Covid-19 and did not discover it, in addition to identifying the virus transmission by geographic areas and…

  • Still Unsure About Hitting The Gym During COVID?

    Let’s be honest: It’s OK if you’re still unsure about the gym during the pandemic. The gyms are starting to re-open following a total closure due to COVID-19 and, while eager gym-goers are once again working up a sweat in their home away from home, some of us still aren’t quite there yet. Having been…

  • Your Money: How Long Will It Last?

    The coronavirus pandemic taught us a valuable lesson: You need to expect the unexpected–especially when it comes to your money. In fact, it may not surprise you to know that 50% of Americans would experience financial trouble if they had to cover an emergency expense of $1,000 or more. That’s according to a Charles Schwab…

  • COVID-19 Liability Risk: Potential Claims Your Business May Face

    After months of lockdowns, reopening has come as a relief for businesses, at least from the financial perspective. It is a chance to be back on your feet but there are more challenges than you can imagine when it comes to being back to work in the new normal. Things aren’t that great on the…

  • Fitness Plan at Home: How to Keep Clients During Lockdown

    The current health crisis has hit several industries hard. Health and fitness businesses, in particular, continue to face the challenge of retaining clients while adhering to lockdown protocols. Even though some cities have started allowing certain businesses to open their doors again, there is no guarantee for this change’s permanence. As COVID-19 cases continue to…

  • What Coronavirus Has Taught Us About Finances

    A few short months ago, the idea of an unstoppable global pandemic taking millions of lives was something reserved for action movies and sci-fi films. Today, however, it’s a horrifying reality. As COVID-19 continues to spread around the world, its physical, emotional, and practical effects are being felt by billions of people.  But coronavirus isn’t…

  • Financial Lessons the COVID-19 Pandemic Taught Us

    While the COVID-19 pandemic indeed caused tons of troubles worldwide, there are things we ought to learn from the current crisis. The pandemic serves as a painful financial eye-opener for most people. The following are just 3 money lessons from COVID-19 we need to remember.

  • How To Pay for a Health Care Emergency After Losing Your Job

    Suffering with a health care emergency after losing your job? The current global pandemic is a crisis that has hit the world’s health care system and its economies. Millions of people have had to stop working due to the fact that coronavirus is so contagious. While staying home is an effective way to slow the…