Making money on the side is something more and more people are investing in. Having a hustle to get on with in your spare time is a great way to diversify your income and/or save up, but not all side hustles are created the same. But could blogging be your next money making venture?
As you might already know, starting a blog can be a great way to drum up passive income. But it can take a while for you to reach that point, and even then, some weeks will be better than others. But to ensure you’re setting your blog up to be monetised just right, we’ve put together a little guide below.
Setting Up Right
The first thing you have to do is ensure your blog is accessible by the entirety of the internet, easy to use, and has the right amount of storage and security available to keep both hackers out and your content in.
You’re going to need to find a web host to manage most of this for you; once you’ve picked a name and a profitable topic, choose a host to Sign Up with and then make sure you’ve got a domain to put on it. Aside from these crucial steps, it might be worth it to get your blog added to platforms like WordPress. Your website host should be able to manage this for you, so you don’t need to worry about the technical aspect!
Building an Audience
Once you’ve got the above technical steps out of the way, you can move onto focusing on your audience. Who are you going to relate to? Who are you going to try to sell to? Who can you target on social media that’ll make sense for your blog name and brand?
For example, if you’ve started up a general lifestyle blog, it doesn’t make sense to attract specific audiences like new parents or young entrepreneurs. You need to head down the middle and think about other people just like you, while occasionally dipping in and out of the above subcategories.
Monetising Your Blog
Now it’s time to set up the monetisation. This can be done in a variety of ways, and most methods can be used in tandem with one another. Indeed, the first thing most blog owners do is join an affiliate program. Recommend products in your usual posts, and if someone clicks the link to buy something, you get a cut of the money.
Aside from this, you could also look into writing sponsored posts, as well as becoming a brand ambassador, and even guest posting on websites that’ll pay you for your time. You could also put together some e-books or some general merchandise if you find you retain a strong and loyal reader base.
Blogging can be a great way to make some money on the side. If you stick at it long enough and market your blog to the masses, it could even become full-time!