How To Earn Money From Home After an Injury

How To Earn Money From Home After an Injury

After an injury, whether in the workplace or elsewhere, you may find yourself laid up or at least slowed down and forced to stay home while you recover. That can cut into your earning potential. It’s best then to figure out an alternate employment plan that you can perform in or around your home. Here’s a selection of ways to earn money from home after an injury.

Sell Stuff

Being at home all day long can be debilitating in and of itself. If you haven’t taken the time to clean and reorganize your possessions, it’s an effective way to keep busy, declutter, and decide what can stay. If it turns out that you have a few miscellaneous (and valuable) items that you can part with, open a store on eBay, Craigslist, Facebook, Nextdoor, or elsewhere online. You may find that you have some skill with selling certain products, and if you have mobility, you can start searching local garage sales, flea markets, and rummage sales for your product of choice. And if you’re artsy and crafty, it can’t hurt to see if buyers would want to pick up your work on Etsy and elsewhere.

Seek Compensation

When pondering how to earn money from home after an injury, you may be due money because of another party’s negligence. If you were injured in an accident at work or elsewhere, it’s worth speaking with a lawyer about the possibility of seeking a settlement or similar payments to help you with your bills and recovery. Discuss the possibility of pre-settlement funding with your lawyer as well; some institutions will lend you cash advances to help with your bills and recuperation in exchange for a percentage of the final settlement. And you don’t pay them back if you don’t win the lawsuit.

Rent a Room

Have a big house? Consider renting out an unused bedroom or other room to long- and short-term tenants. You may even be able to work out a situation where the person can receive a deal on rent if they help with activities that have grown more difficult for you to do. Be sure to do background and credit checks on any potential tenants, of course. There’s also the possibility of making your room or house available on vacation rental sites like Airbnb and others. If you’re still paying off the house, make it work for you.


Are you a grammar geek, a budding author, an excellent designer, or some other type of artistic genius? Even if you’re just above average in these skills, you’re a viable choice for any number of fields seeking editors, writers, designers, artists, and other creatives to make their communications look and read better. Not a creator? Then offer your skills as a salesperson, marketing professional, human resources expert, organization specialist, or the like through a consultancy business. Put your abilities to work even as you rest and recover!



