For many of us, travel is more than a hobby or a way to experience new things. Travel is often an essential part of meeting the needs of our businesses or making extra money. Unexpected travel emergencies can throw a very costly wrench into our plans, though, making travel less cost-effective and eating up our time and resources in the process. Knowing how to prepare for common travel emergencies beforehand is the best way to save our money, time, and sanity when we hit these bumps in the road.
Lost or Stranded—Give Someone Else Your Itinerary
There is always a chance of getting lost or stranded when you are traveling somewhere new. The bigger risk is being lost or stranded without the means to contact help. The best way to prepare for this possibility is to give at least two people a copy of your itinerary or, if you are traveling with a more general schedule, let two people know about your plans for the day. Check in with these people regularly. If something happens to you, these individuals will be aware of where you were and where you were supposed to be, so they’ll be able to contact help right away.
Roadside Disasters—Make Sure Your Vehicle Is in Ship Shape
Having your car break down or getting a flat tire is always frustrating and can be extremely expensive. Before going on long car trips, take your vehicle in for an inspection. Taking care of minor fixes while the car is still running is always cheaper than needing to do major repairs later. Investing in a good roadside assistance package is another way to be sure you have a backup plan in the case of these and other minor roadside issues, such as a battery dying or locking your keys in your car.
Protect Your Valuables—Objects and Information
Keeping your valuables like your phone, computer, or wallet safe is crucial during travel, but it’s good to have a plan for if your best efforts fail and your things get stolen. It’s a good idea to record the essential information about your devices, such as the serial number and IEMI number, somewhere where you can access them. Setting up tracking for your phone and laptop before you leave will also increase the likelihood of being able to recover them if they are stolen or misplaced.
But it’s more than the objects that are vulnerable to theft. Having a plan in place to protect from identity theft is also important. Consider reducing the number of important cards in your wallet when you travel, and familiarize yourself with how to remotely wipe your phone and laptop before you leave, just in case you need to clear your devices.
Travel can become expensive, but expenses drastically increase when you factor in travel mishaps. By taking precautions and knowing how to prepare for common travel emergencies before you have them, you minimize their financial impact and ensure your trip goes far more smoothly.
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