The global COVID-19 pandemic has redefined the way individuals work and engage in business. Kitchen tables were quickly converted to home offices, or your storage rooms became go-to conference call hubs. No matter the work situation, over the next few months and years workspaces will adapt as individuals return to their offices and places of work. Check out these simple steps to make the transition back to traditional work environments smooth and positive for all.
Flexibility and Understanding
Most have worked at home for two or three months, a swift change that required much adaptability to ensure business operated as usual. For those not serving on the frontlines, workers got comfortable with video call meetings and workflow manners all handled digitally. Business owners should keep this past flexibility and work ethic in mind as employees return to main working hubs. Employees proved their ability to work anywhere for months on end; leaders can return the same respect and professionalism by being understanding of various situations. Other options may include allowing teams to work remotely one or two days a week or implementing a flexed work hour schedule if some do not feel like being in a crowded workplace yet. This will look different for different sizes and types of business spaces.
Basic Necessities
Before employees return it is imperative to have the proper supplies in place. Business leaders should collaborate with purchasing and supply chain teams to ensure proper sanitation measures will be continuously reordered. Hand washing and sanitation stations should be appropriately placed, along with increased space between cubicles and desks. Companies, big and small, should consider having “welcome back” briefings with their employees to explain the measures in place to prevent the spread of germs while still getting work done. As teams return to workplaces, it also important that offices and suites maintain proper safety and security. Increased technology devices will likely be returning to offices as people bring technology back from home. One might consider security guard services fort worth to keep watch.
Reengage Teams
Employees of all types have been working in unusual environments and circumstances. Many have lost their jobs or found new jobs after being furloughed. As teams, new and old, come together to do business, it is important to establish a sense of community from the beginning to keep attitudes positive and optimistic as workers approach their jobs. Leaders can bring teams together with team building activities that encourage comradery while providing stress relief from the daily grind.
Companies and workplaces will survive when supported by the right mindset, safety measures, and health precautions.
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