5 Things You Should Budget For As A Homeowner

Homeowners often have to cover expenses for things that renters do not. Budgeting as a homeowner can be difficult and also very hectic and stressful, especially if you’re new at it. But if you know a little bit about what to expect you will be less shocked when these things come up and you’ll also be better equipped to plan out a budget that you can try to stick to. Make sure you always have an emergency savings fund that you are putting money into on a regular basis in case something should come up that you haven’t budgeted for too, but here are 5 things you should try to budget for as a homeowner. 

Foundational Issues

One of the most important things for any house (or any building for that matter) is the foundation. Make sure that you have a deep foundation and have an inspector come out and look at your property and foundation every couple of years to make sure everything looks the way it should. Also make ground improvements as necessary or have someone do it for you. These things will save you a lot of stress and money in the long run. 

Plumbing Issues

Plumbing issues can happen to new houses, old houses, and everything in between. They can range from minor, easy to fix, and inexpensive all the way to emergencies that will require professional help and could potentially be very expensive to get taken care of. Since plumbing is such an important thing for any home to have, you should make budgeting for plumbing problems a priority.


Electricity is another thing that you don’t want to have to go without in any home, so be sure that you plan to budget for electrical issues. Unlike with plumbing and other home issues where there are occasions that you can try and fix the problem yourself before calling a professional, you probably don’t want to try anything yourself when it comes to electrical unless you really know what you are doing. Electrical problems can be very dangerous to fix, so you should always have a professional electrician come and take care of them, so if you own a home you may want to have some money set aside for this because sometimes it can be costly. 

Hot Water Heater

Hot water is yet another extremely important thing for any home to have in working order. If your hot water heater breaks without warning, you’ll need to get it fixed as soon as possible. Sometimes it may be a simple fix but you never know when the entire thing will need to be replaced – so it’s best to be prepared for that financially. 

Heating/Air Conditioning

If you live in a place with harsh winters, very hot summers, or both, you certainly know the importance of heating and A/C. As a renter you may be able to just call your landlord to come and fix issues with these, but as a homeowner it is up to you to get your heater and A/C serviced, so budget accordingly.



