3 Tips When Recruiting A New Team

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If you want to a have business with a good reputation you need to make sure you are attracting the best possible candidates for any rules that you might have. This can be difficult at times, especially when it comes to searching and recruiting for a skilled role. You only have minimal time to get to know someone and trust what they are saying about their experience. There is always the risk that they could be exaggerating or that they don’t fit in with the current team once they start. 

On top of this, candidates also need to judge whether your business is a good fit for them. So, what can you do to make sure you are getting the right people for your business?

Let’s have a look at how to begin recruiting a new team.

Have More Than One Interview 

If you want to get to know a candidate more, think about having more than one interview stage. It can be very difficult to get to know someone from just one interview and you may want to hold a second interview so that a different manager or team member can ask different questions. It takes time, money, and resources to hold interviews, however, it is vital if you want to get the right people for the job. One thing you could consider doing is to hire a fractional hr manager, this way they could conduct CV reviews and hold the first interview. Once they are happy with the candidates they can then provide you with a much smaller pool of people to interview. Holding a second interview also allows candidates to ask any questions they may have after learning more about the role and the business. 

Be Clear With Job Descriptions 

When you are advertising a vacant position, you need to be as clear as you can be about the job role, the skills required, the qualifications needed, and the type of person it would be suited to. You need to be able to clearly show any applicant that is interested in what is expected of them. For example, are you going to provide training? Is there anything you expect them to be able to do from day one? What is the training period? Is this temporary to a permanent position or full-time from the start? Although it may take time to get all this information down on a job advertisement, the more detailed you can be the better. You not only want potential applicants to identify if they are a match but you also want to make sure you are receiving the right people to apply for the right roles. 

Look At The Whole Picture 

There may be times when you are faced with two different types of people for a vacant position. One who has loads of experience but little or no qualifications and one who has all the qualifications but not much experience. Yes, qualifications are great but sometimes it is worth looking at the experience that someone has instead. This can be as good as qualifying if not better. Plus, if you need someone to have a qualification for the role you could always invest in them and send them to have training. 

Conclusion: Recruiting A New Team

These three tips should help you to recruit the best team. Do you have any other tips that could help? Please share them in the comments below. 

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