3 Things You Can Make Money From Today

Make Money today

If you’re getting tired of working your boring 9-5 job from home and longing for new ways to earn money, then this article could well be for you. Nowadays, almost anything can net you a bit of cash but here are three things you can make money from that really might surprise you


If you are based in a location where cannabis or marijuana has been – or is soon to be – legalised, then why not get into this niche market and grow your way to success? There are plenty of great success stories of how business owners have taken a leap of faith in marijuana and reaped the rewards. 

For example, established by a former lawyer, Harvest is an Arizonian firm that was founded on the principle of improving lives through the goodness of medical marijuana. Since the legalisation of marijuana for recreational use in the state, the company’s fortunes skyrocketed. 

You can see more Harvest news here about the sales of both recreational and medical marijuana and its current growth trajectory. Why not consider this a viable business opportunity for you? There’s certainly plenty of money to be made.

Social Media

If you’re savvy on social, then be smart enough to realise that your digital skills can earn you some serious cash online. There are thousands of small businesses up and down the country that simply don’t have time to run or even set-up social media channels and if you’re prepared to go freelance and focus on social media full-time, then there is some serious money to be made. 

Even just having a few clients on a retained fee every month could bring in a very sizeable income for you. If you know how to schedule content, community manage, and have the skills to execute paid digital ad campaigns, then do not let this go unnoticed. Advertise to the small businesses in your area and you could find yourself quickly earning a pretty penny.


Pretty nifty in the kitchen? Then why not transform your love for takeaways into a viable business to earn extra cash? Click and collect style takeaways have really taken off during lockdown with punters keen to support local businesses and individuals through troubled times. Simply pick a cuisine that you know you excel in and draw up a menu. Then, it’s just about getting the logistics sorted, ironing out a supply chain, and budgeting to ensure you pack profit on every dish sold. 

Be sure to add quality to your product by using the freshest and best ingredients you can get your hands on to guarantee your food stands out from the competition. Using social media services like Instagram to build up a following is also a great idea and serves as a brilliant way to boost your brand awareness. Who would have thought that cooking up your favourite dishes could net you so much cash?

Hopefully, these three ideas inspire you to start making some additional money on the side – or to quit your dull day job to go for it full-time!



