One of the things I enjoy about running the community. Runners are incredibly supportive of one another. And social media is an endless source of running inspiration.
I included the 9 Twitter accounts below because they provide consistent content that promotes individual runners, the ups and downs of training and racing, and the running community at-large. If you’re a runner, I believe they will give you the push you need to keep going when the training miles get long.
And if you aren’t a runner yet, but would like to be, use what these amazing people do as the inspiration to hit the pavement or trails.
Either way, make sure to follow all these Twitter accounts for the running inspiration you need. When you’re done, lace up the shoes, get out there, and rack up the mileage!
Related articles on running inspiration:
- 13 Perfect Gifts for Fitness and Running Fanatics
- 4 Ways To Start Reaching Your Fitness Goals
- How To Start Running: 5 Tips to Help You Get Going
- Growth Mindset: 3 Ways Running Provides Mental Toughness
Top Twitter accounts for running inspiration
1. Jogger’s Journey
Jay’s story over at Jogger’s Journey is nothing short of incredible. He lost 50 pounds running 10Ks. Check out our interview with him and know you can replicate his success in your own life.
2. Brooks Running
Brooks makes a great shoe and they know it. Since I started running again in 2014, it’s the only shoe I wear. I bought two pairs of Brooks Transcends when I ran my marathon in 2015 and recently said good-bye to the second pair (I donated the first pair at the race). So, I became part of the Brooks Pro Program and bought my Ravenna 8s. Loving them!
3. Bart Yasso
I’m prepping for Global Running Day I will celebrate by doing a run in NYC at 6 pm location 1 Union Square W #GlobalRunningDay is June 7.
— Bart Yasso (@BartYasso) June 6, 2017
Bart Yasso is one of “the” guys in the running world. You would have a better shot at trying to figure out what he hasn’t accomplished because his running resume is impeccable. He is a true running inspiration.
Rather than do his legacy a disservice, I’ll let his own website do it:
Yasso … invented the Yasso 800s, a marathon-training schedule used by thousands around the world. He is one of the few people to have completed races on all seven continents from the Antarctica marathon to the Mt. Kilimanjaro marathon. In 1987, Yasso won the U.S. National Biathlon Long Course Championship and won the Smoky Mountain Marathon in 1998. He has also completed the Ironman five times and the Badwater 146 through Death Valley. He has also cycled, unsupported and by himself, across the country twice.
4. Kyle Kranz
How long should the long run be? #marathontraining #berlinmarathon #nycmarathon #marathon #halfmarathon #marathoner
— Kyle Kranz, Plant-Based Running Coach (@kyle_j_kranz) June 6, 2017
Kyle has completed multiple ultramarathons and an Ironman triathlete. Once an overweight teenager, he now works as a running coach.
Yet another solid source of running inspiration, he flat out loves what he does:
I consider myself retired because if I had a billion dollars & never had to work another day in my life, I would do the same thing I do now. As a running coach I spend my days reading & writing about running, as well as interacting with runners all over the world.
5. No Meat Athlete
How to Finally Enjoy Running: The Non-Runner’s Ultimate Guide
— No Meat Athlete (@NoMeatAthlete) June 2, 2017
In 2009, Matt Frazier started No Meat Athlete around the same time he went vegetarian. Not long after, he qualified for Boston:
Six months later, Matt qualified for the Boston Marathon with a time of 3:09:59 at the Wineglass Marathon, over 100 minutes faster than his first marathon time seven years prior.
Since then, Matt has run several 50-mile ultramarathons and in 2013 ran his first 100-miler at Burning River in Ohio.
6. Better Running
Simply put, the Better Running Twitter account will give you plenty of pithy motivational quotes. If you need a quick hit of running inspiration, follow this one.
7. Runners Connect
Founded by Jeff Gaudette in 2011, RunnersConnect provides “support, motivation, and answers” to hundreds of runners online:
Our team is now over 600 members strong and we’ve helped 867 runners in the last 2 years record new personal bests from 5k to the marathon. We have also grown to 7 coaches, a team doctor, nutritionist, writers and an awesome development team.
8. Social Shark
The 2,000 foot climb in the first 4 miles was so worth the view. #foothills77 #topoteam #procompression #hollowaygear
— Nathan Maxwell (@socialshark) May 31, 2017
Nathan Maxwell is just like any other husband and father of 6. You know, if by “any other” you mean one who’s completed 44 Ultra Marathons, 9 Marathons and three 100 milers. Piece of cake.
Nathan is running inspiration personified.
9. iRunFar
Ryan Smith finishes England's Bob Graham Round in an unofficial 14 hrs, 17 minutes, the 2nd fastest time ever. Photo: @DirtProof
— iRunFar (@iRunFar) June 3, 2017
This Twitter account is a great source of running inspiration and very appropriately named. These guys and gals do run pretty darn far. Kind of makes me feel like my lunchtime 5k isn’t enough. Check them out also on
It’s time to get your daily running inspiration
So, there you have it. Nine Twitter accounts for you to follow and enjoy a daily dose of running inspiration.
It doesn’t matter what your fitness level is. And it doesn’t matter what other people say. As the “Better Running” Twitter account often says, “If you run, you’re a runner.”
If that’s true, then you have no excuse. Get the shoes you need. Find it in your schedule. Eat right and hydrate properly. And use these accounts as running inspiration when you feel you have nothing left to give.
Runners: on your mark. Get set. Go!
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